One of my favorites of the night, and it was also the last one I did. BG #1

I intended to right in the jounraling with a brown pen when I got home, only to discover that, thanks to Jacob, I don't currently have a brown pen. BG #2

Yay, I used the Stomp dino themed paper for something other than dinos. Allison Davis inspired.

Realized that I had the wrong date on the tag. I'll have to decide how to fix that.

I need something red up in the right hand corner to balance it out, just not sure what yet.

The purple paper was leftover from a page I did in 2005. Never expected to actually use it up. Cursive 101 cartridge. BG #4

George cartridge (for heart). BG #5

Picture by Brandon, who told me I HAD to scrapbook it. BG #6

One of my all time favorite photos of Brandon. BG #7

Don't know why I feel compelled to take pics of butterflies and moths, just do. Finally used an embossing folder. :)

Still need something orange down on the border strip.

When I got the photos from this weekend trip in 2006 printed, I said I would probably never scrapbook it since it's such a bad photo, but here it is.

First layout of the night.

Trying to use up some of my Daisy D paper. Sniff.

More Daisy D. Storybook cartridge.

Rick was very good and took his time to read and look at every single time. He even pointed out my typo on here. Nice.

Just a cute, simple one, waiting for journaling. The bugs were part of a present from Brandon. Cursive 101 and Doodletype cartridges.

My favorite photo of me and the boys. BG #8

Finally making my way through all the Thomas stuff. It might be confusing, though. When I showed it to Rick, he thought some of the letters had fallen off and that it was supposed to spell out "loves".

My Community cartridge for the pencil.

OTC paper pack finally getting put to good use.

One of my newest cartridges (Country Life) and some of my oldest Die Cuts (Cockadoodle)