Up first: my first 2 pointer. This poor thing was stickled within an inch of it's life. Used silver and blue on the swirls already on the paper and red to turn the blah dark red letters into something nicer. I kind of like how it turned out and Jacob is enjoying the fact that I finally got last year's snow pics done.

Love this pic of J. It was just so random, but I wanted to use it by itself. Paper was from a cute pad that I picked up at Joanns on clearance at the end of 2007.

Switching gears, one from summer. Used the Opposites Attract cartridge, some square cut from some KI paper and a Cockadoodle (used to love them) die cut from 2000-ish. I miss them. Probably going to do some hidden journaling somewhere.

Not sure I totally like this one. Random pic of us from Feb last year that Brandon took, coupled with some K & Co paper and most of a sheet of Pebbles Inc. stickers meant to look like torn pieces of masking tape. Not sure it really goes with the paper, but it's slowly growing on me.
Total points so far (until we change the point system): 24
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