This layout was supposed to have alternating pics of the kids holding the letters. I shot the pics of Brandon first, then set Jacob in there. Notice there are no pics of Jacob. That's because he immediately started eating the letters. It sounds funny now, but I'm ashamed to admit that in my severely sleep deprived state, I had the mother of all tantrums. Not one of my finer moments. Obviously we all survived, but it made step back and realize that chances were I was never going to get the shots that I wanted. My love for tags runs deep. Also have a love for foam letter and number stamps. This was my favorite set. Notice how wonky the 1 is? I left the other adult in charge of the goat (aka Jacob) for five minutes and came back and found the chewed up 1 stamp dangling from his mouth. I've blocked it from my memory, but I'm pretty sure the aftermath involved another tantrum and a move to my own scrapbooking room with a lock on the door. I think this still ranks as one of my fastest layouts ever :) See mom, there are layouts about just me in the albums. Deluxe Cuts page templates. I used those a lot. I should maybe pull them out again just for fun. While flipping through my Grandma's cookbook I found a list of soup and sandwich pairings and it made me wonder what they ate on a regular basis. And this layout was born. Talks about what we normally eat for the different meals and the right hand side is a list of our groceries for that month. Becky Higgins sketch
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