Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Workspace Wednesday, 8-27

I fell behind in posting right away, lol.

With the room redo, I was looking for a way to consolidate my "finishing touches" embellishments. I had the wood veneers in one spot, brads were all over the place, enamel dots were stored with collections and I didn't have a place for the flair. I had looked at this Creative Options tower before, but wasn't willing to pay $60 for it, or even $36 with a coupon. Joanns had it on a 1 day deal for $19.99 and I was able to snag one at the local store. I just wish it wasn't pink and puke green. Maybe I'll paint it at some point.

First thing I did was break the enamel dots down by color in 4x6 zipper bags from the beading/jewelry making section of Hobby Lobby. I originally had them in the top section, but switched that to just containers of flair. The containers were $1 each from Walmart.

Wood veneer went in the top pull out tray. I like that it stores everything in one section, versus the 3 trays I previously had them in.
 (I'll add the pic later) Enamel dots went in the second pull out tray.

And packages of brads went in the third pull out tray. I'm not quite ready to break the packages apart yet.
The entire (heavy) case sits on top of the armoire next to my desk and I can reach up and pull it down, set it on my stool, and pull out what I need to finish off a layout. I'm loving it so far (except the colors, lol.)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

50 Layouts Challenge, weeks 27-31

week 27
week 28

week 29

week 30
week 31
took a pass (on vacation)

2014 in 2014: 1018/2014


Grace's Crop, 2014

We normally do this crop in November, but changing it up was kind of fun. Because we were rushing to get the back patio done before vacation, and Jacob was home from school, I was only able to go on Friday and Saturday nights and on Sunday. Definitely still time to have fun :)

 Cute little pizza cookies in a take out box.
 The margarita with Midori melon liqueur on top from dinner.
 My snack table contribution: triple chocolate cake from Costco with strawberries (you know, because fruit makes everything healthy).
 Of course, we have to take our wacky photos...
 The goodies from just one of the days.

 And, in a true "you had to be there" story...a cockroach flew in (it's August in Texas, just go with it) and landed on one of the chairs and later crawled up the leg of one of the women. It was eventually squished, which led to a crime scene, line up, mug shot, CSI investigation, coroner's autopsy, etc. All documented. Sadly, we weren't even drunk for all these. Completely sober.

All in all, lots of good fun.
I worked on some base pages for Terri (4 of each):

And a few more for myself (no pictures yet).