Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Workspace Wednesday, 9/24

Almost ready to show photos of the room as a whole :)

For I track my supplies.

Awhile back, Target had some 6x8 ring bound albums market down to $2.71, so I picked up several white and a few red. I was using a spiral bound notebook to keep track of supplies, but it was getting ragged and not really set up how I wanted, and the ring binder and loose leaf paper makes it so much easier.

Earlier this year I went through and made lists of all the manufacturer lines that I had products from. It was very eye opening to see exactly what I had (since theme stuff is stored by theme and the rest was stored by manufacturer or color or what not) all in one place. It was the genesis for the whole purging/downsizing/selling stuff.

Loose leaf paper makes it easy to sort by manufacturer (in alphabetical order) and replace pages as they get marked up. I write down everything...

...cross out what I sell or give away...

...and put a smiley next to the stuff I use up.
So far I like it and it's working well, and it keeps things in perspective, as far as how much consumables I have.

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