Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Studio Calico 34th Street (Dec 12)

Back in December, there was an offer to buy the main Studio Calico kit (34th Street) and get one of the add-ons free. I think they didn't sell well that month or something. I decided it was a pretty good deal, and others did, too, except some people decided to take advantage of a glitch that allowed them to enter all the add-on codes and get them for free. I thought the email was pretty clear, and so did plenty others, but SC did eventually catch on and negate some of the orders. They did send out 2 add-ons to most orders, which I thought was a nice thing to do. So, I scrapped the kits out of order (did February's first) and am now working with December. This is the kit:
A little more pastel-y than what I'm used to, cut overall I liked the look of it.
First up: I had some moon photos that I hadn't scrapped yet, so the exclusive SC constellation paper seemed like a good choice. The main kits come with four different colors of cardstock (one piece each) so I needed something for my background but knew I didn't want plain white. So, I went for this mottled brown/light blue from the Joanns exclusive BG Serendipity line from last summer as my background. None of the alphas that came with the kit were very bold, so I went with some Heidi Grace (blue) chipboard alphas from my stash an some of my favorite line of Thickers in black. Also added in were DL ribbon, OA ephemera from the miscellany pack, silver AC ribbon and wooden veneer stars. Another "kitchen sink" layout, as I'm trying to use more of the embellies I can't seem to keep from buying.
#2. I thought the soft colors would work well for the pic of the Easter grass nest Jacob made in the smoker. This was my first time playing with the POW glitter paper and I really liked it. I added in a DL 5th and Frolic ta and some ribbon, plus some cursive Thickers. The alphas in this kit just didn't really stand out as useful for me.
#3. I never intended to use this photo, but I'm kind of glad I did the layout. I'm not a fan of the huge doily prints, but I had seen other scrappers cut them out like this and I thought I'd give it a try. The only problem was that I liked the other pale chevron on the back as a background. I debated for a good 20 minutes about cutting it up, until I remember I bought the Michaels/Recollections Sweetest Thing rebrand pad, and I could use one of the thin doily sheets (easier to cut out) from it and save the other side for a background. I'm not a big vellum arrow fan, but SC seems to include them a lot.
#4...and this one uses the pale chevron as a background. The red block paper is actually the edge of the constellation paper I cut out earlier, it just looks like a block when it's tucked under like this. Again, I used different alphas. I didn't really expect to use a whole lot of these Pebbles label maker type stickers; I think I still have some sheets from the last time they did them, about 8 years ago. Happy that I managed to use 5 of them. Brandon thinks "I like you and naps" is hilarious.
#5. I originally thought I would use the arrow paper for a layout about how busy Rick is, but realized it would work better for the Skyzone pics I had from a birthday party. These are also the first photos printed with my new Selphy printer. It seems ok, but I still miss my A646. Sniff.

And this is what I have left:
I have a tentative plan for a "details of home" layouts, but we'll have to see. I think I put a good dent in it, but I wouldn't say I "killed it". Apparently when you use up most of a kit, you've killed it. I'm happy to get 5 layouts out of it, but I think I probably could have gotten a little more. The 2 full sheets of cardstock will go in the cardstock bin, but the rest will get put in the envelope to be used for cards at the NSD crop. I don't think I will use the arrows, so they will probably go in the giveaway pile.

Overall, I liked the kit, and I actually like all the layouts I did. I think "one tired mama" is probably my favorite, surprises me, since it's the least like "me".

50 project total: 10

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